The Extended Sniff Test

A literal banana has published a method for volunteer investigators of suspicious science, this month in the Journal of Lexical Crime. From the abstract:

Fact checking of scientific claims by lay volunteers, also known as recreational hostile fact checking or community-based science policing, is a growing hobby. A method for the evaluation of scientific claims by scientifically literate non-expert investigators is presented. The Extended Sniff Test, performed after an initial sniff test, uses the methods of Double Contextualization, Noun Abuse Assessment, and lay literature review, in addition to traditional literature review. As a case study, a suspicious paper is subjected to the Extended Sniff Test, and fails. A quick guide to the Extended Sniff Test is provided.

The paper is available here:

The Extended Sniff Test: A Method for Recreational Hostile Fact Checking

The paper’s “quick guide:”


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